

There is a place for everybody in the world, and the curriculums and environments of our colleges and universities should reflect this. One career platform that has picked up a lot of traction as a viable and fulfilling career trajectory in recent decades, is that of becoming an entrepreneur. It encompasses so much potential, a plethora of options, and most…

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No matter what industry you end up in, business is a part of it, and not the kind we can brush off. This is true in the modern age, where every form of marketing, sales and finances are hooked into internet algorithms and social media echelons. Whether you are producing art, starting a business, or working as a barista, the…

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Every generation is different. While it isn’t universal, certain defining features usually differentiate generations because the time we are born and raised has a broad impact on the people we become. Generation Z is no exception. Generation Z, or Gen Z, is a generation aging into massive importance. Gen Z is currently aged between 10 and 25, and many members…

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Are you a high school student looking to make the most of your summer and become a future leader in your field? Look no further! We’ve rounded up the top 10 summer leadership programs for high school students, covering everything from global leadership skills at Georgetown University to innovation and problem-solving at NYU’s Future Global Leaders Academy. But it’s not…

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