How to Start a High Paying Remote Career: 8 Top Ideas

If you’re like many in this post-COVID world, you’ve probably pondered the idea once or twice of being able to work remotely.

Flexibility, convenience, autonomy, and freedom are all attractive ideas that have compelled many employees and entrepreneurs to do their jobs from home (or anywhere in the world!)

And yet, while these thoughts persist for many, they are often pushed aside without ever being fully explored.

The problem may lie in not knowing where or how to begin your search. You may also not be aware of which careers offer a remote work option.

Thanks to the pandemic, many jobs have become more flexible than ever before.

Since companies were forced to adjust their business models, including finding new ways for work to be completed without requiring a physical presence, many industries realized a remote work option could be a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Among the hundreds of remote work choices, some of the most popular and in-demand jobs include proofreadercopywriterdata analystlife coachvirtual assistantbookkeeper, and job recruiter.

As you learn more about what each of these jobs entails, you may be inspired to take the next step toward the life and the new career you desire.


If you have an eye for detail, excellent grasp of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and a willingness to learn, you will make a great proofreader.

With no shortage of copy and content needs across the online world, including marketing and formal content within organizations, there is an endless supply of work in this field.

Although you may not realize it, it is very likely that you already have some experience under your belt. Formally or informally, if you’ve taken note of misspellings, grammatical errors, or other writing faux pas, then you are (or have been) a proofreader.

There are no formal certifications required to become a proofreader and you can easily get started on a new career as a freelancer in several ways.

You can begin by sharing your desire to work as a proofreader with your circle of friends and family.

In my experience, whenever I’ve decided to try something new and then share it with my inner circle, I’ve always been met with a great deal of support and encouragement.

When others know what you need, they are usually eager to find ways to help.

Depending on your interests, you can target certain groups on social media or other networks and platforms, such as community boardslocal colleges, and more.

For example, if you are looking to offer proofreading for college essays, you will want to find out where students and parents hang out so you can market yourself in those places.

If, on the other hand, you are interested in working with businesses to proofread marketing materials, you may want to join local business and networking groups to connect with prospective clients.

The other option is to find freelance work on platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, and a host of other similar sites where jobs are posted daily and you can choose to take jobs that suit your needs.

These platforms offer a great way to get started and build your resume as you develop your skills.


may be a bit biased with this one, but copywriting is one of the most sought after and exciting freelance jobs around!

If you enjoy writing, being creative with words and messaging, and have empathy for others, this is a great career choice.

Not only can you do this job from anywhere in the world, but you get to meet and build relationships with some of the most amazing brands and people.

When I first decided to try my hand at copywriting, it was only to earn some extra money as I built my coaching business. Within one month however, I ditched my business and jumped in full-time as a copywriter.

I fell in love with using my skills to help others in their businesses by providing high quality and high value copy.

In the beginning, I took on a variety of writing projects, even if they didn’t pay much, so that I could get a feel for the type of work that best suited me.

It didn’t take long to figure out that I was both skilled and passionate about writing blogs and professional bios, as well as general editing projects.

No matter what industry you think of, just about every business in the world needs good copy.

Many organizations look specifically for copywriters with specialized backgrounds, including those in medical, legal, and industrial fields. By leveraging your previous experience, you can win more work and develop long-term contracts.

Similar to a career as a proofreader, you can find job opportunities on freelance platforms such as Upwork or Fverr, as well as online writing hubs like nDash and Skyword.

Since going full-time as a copywriter, I have also turned to LinkedIn and professional networking opportunities to connect with others and build my business.

Although it is important to have a professional online presence, it is not necessary to have a website when you are first starting out.

One thing you will want to have early on, however, is a writing portfolio that showcases your work to prospective clients. Here’s a helpful video from Alex Cattoni with step-by-step tips on how to build your first portfolio:

You can start building your portfolio even before you’ve landed your first writing job. Simply craft writing pieces of your choice and add them to a portfolio using Google drive.

You can write or rewrite a blog or article, or other writing of your choice to include as a sample. By having something tangible for clients to see, you will be one step ahead of the competition.

One of the greatest perks about copywriting is the opportunity to work & earn as much as you want.

Depending on the type of projects you choose as well as your niche, the sky’s the limit.

If you are a versatile writer, you can offer a range of packages and services that will allow you to scale to your heart’s desire.

Data Analyst

As one of the fastest growing careers, data analysts are in high demand.

Even better is the fact that the job duties in this career field are perfectly suited for a fully remote work option.

As a data analyst, your job will be to take raw data and translate it into meaningful insights using tools such as Tableau or Microsoft Excel, among others.

For example, you may be tasked with making sense of why sales dropped from one quarter to another.

To do this, you will analyze and organize data and then present your findings. Most, if not all, of this work is done independently using a computer, making it a great option for remote work.

So, how does one enter a career as a data analyst?

Start by searching through available remote data analyst roles on platforms like LinkedIn,, Flexjobs, and Glassdoor. Read the job descriptions that sound most interesting to you, and take note of the qualifications each employer is looking for.

While it helps to have some experience and a proven track record before going fully remote as a data analyst, you may find that many employers are open to hiring those with a strong resume and/or related experience.

In addition to building a strong portfolio, you’ll also want to learn how to market yourself as a strong candidate for remote work.

Consider your strengths in working independently, strong communication skills, and job efficiency. By highlighting your skills and independence, you will present yourself as an attractive prospect.

In addition to finding work on various online platforms, you may also look into virtual job fairs, which seem to be growing in popularity.

Data analysts earn a comfortable salary, on average. While salaries can vary depending on company and location, there is a great financial incentive to consider this as a new career field.

Life Coach

The coaching industry is a booming industry (and growing).

Especially since the pandemic, droves of people have turned to deeper introspection as it relates to their life and have formed a new awareness around their internal and external desires.

If you are committed to self-development and helping others, this may be a field to consider.

Unlike a therapist, there are no special licenses or degrees required to become a coach. However, it is beneficial to obtain certification through reputable programs such as ICF.

When I decided to get certified as a life coach, I had a strong desire to help lead others to a better life by working with them on things like mindsetlimiting beliefs, and confidence.

With a background in education, I was confident in my ability to effectively work with others on accomplishing their goals.

In the world of coaching and self-development, there are hundreds of niches to choose from.

For example, if you are especially knowledgeable in a specific area such as weight loss, fitness, finance management, business, faith, or careers, you can work with people who need your exact expertise.

On the other hand, if you have no specific background experience but you’ve overcome certain obstacles or challenges in your life such as grief, poverty, divorce, etc., you can use your experience to help others through similar struggles.

Coaching can be a very lucrative career. Depending on your interests, you may offer individual coaching or a group program, which will massively increase your earning potential.

Fortunately, you can work with clients from around the world as you will conduct your sessions in virtual settings.

When you get certification, you will quickly find connection with others in the coaching community, which will be great for networking and strategizing ways to grow your new business.

Like any other business, a simple model to follow is to meet as many people as you can, share what you do, and offer to help. This can be done in person or virtually through groups like Meetup and life coaching Facebook Groups.

What I learned as a new coach was that to attract clients, I had to first believe in myself. Just put myself out there and show others the accomplishments I had reached in my own life.

By sharing stories on social media, writing blogs, and offering valuable tips and suggestions, I served as a model for what was possible for others.

While it may take some time to build your business, you can jump right in and offer to coach a few clients at no cost to build your confidence and earn credibility.

Do not hesitate to ask for testimonials, which you can use to market yourself on your website and across your social media platforms.

Virtual Assistant

As a virtual assistant, you will assist businesses with a variety of tasks, including accounting, managing emails and phone calls, bookkeeping, scheduling, data entry, and more.

Depending on your skills and experience, you can command a higher salary if you have specialized skills.

Because this job includes numerous administrative skills and functions, it is very likely that you already have experience from previous jobs.

However, if you want to have an edge over the competition, you may consider learning or developing new skills by taking a course, reading, or getting certified in a certain skill such as word processing, planning & scheduling software, or communication skills (including effective speaking and writing).

In case you haven’t heard, the COVID pandemic of 2020 changed the world of work – and the market for virtual assistants is now projected to grow to $25.6 billion by 2025!

By taking the time now to enhance and sharpen your skills, you can offer your services at a premium rate.

As more and more companies continue to embrace the trend of remote jobs, VA’s have become a hot commodity. Employers all around the world have seen the benefits that virtual assistants offer by helping to support and maintain systems and structures within their organizations.

To find work as a virtual assistant, you can turn to platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Task Rabbit as well as through traditional job sites, networking events, social media, or various freelancing websites.

The great thing about being a virtual assistant is there is often flexibility, low to no overhead, stimulating work (varies from client to client) and the potential to earn as much as you want.

Many virtual assistants take on several clients at a time, allowing them to enjoy all of the benefits mentioned above.


Within a business or organization, bookkeepers are an essential component to the financial team that helps to keep all financial records in order.

As a bookkeeper, you may work independently or with a team to manage accounts, including overseeing accounts receivable & payable, financial transactions, and payroll (just to name a few).

You may also work with the businesses’ tax preparer to file returns as needed.

If you are detail oriented, organized, enjoy working with data and numbers, and have problem solving and data entry skills, this may be a great career for you.

To find work as a bookkeeper, you can look to staffing agencies, online job boards, and by building your profile on sites such as LinkedIn.

Depending on your experience and interests, you can also view work opportunities on Upwork and other freelance platforms.

While some companies may prefer certification, it is not a requirement to work as a bookkeeper.

However, if you want to increase your job options, salary potential, job security, and credibility, bookkeeping certification is the way to go.

Two organizations that offer certification are National Association of Certified Public Bookkeepers (NACPB) and the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers (AIPB).

Along with membership benefits, you can expect to receive valuable professional development from each of these organizations as well as become part of a large and supportive professional community.

Job Recruiter

If you have strong interpersonal skills, enjoy helping others, and are a skilled researcher, working as a recruiter may be a perfect fit.

As a job recruiter, you get to work with employers by helping them to fill positions with qualified candidates.

This job can be done entirely remotely as your responsibilities include searching online for job prospects and following up with phone and video calls.

While some recruiters work directly for companies, you can also work with staffing agencies, headhunters, or as an independent contractor.

To be a recruiter, you do not need a degree or certification, however, you should have some experience in customer service, basic computer literacy, and self initiative.

Though some employers may prefer a background in human resources, marketing, business, or other related degrees, you can enter this field simply by demonstrating your skills and ability to work with others effectively and efficiently toward company goals.

If you have a specialized background, you can also use that as leverage to work within that industry. As an industry insider, you have the added value of insight that will help to guide you in your search for qualified candidates.

Employers will appreciate that you have a keen awareness of what to look for in a job prospect as you work to fill positions within a company.

Fortunately, more employers are turning to recruiters to help in their hiring processes, making this an accessible job for those looking to work remotely.

Not only is this a growing career field, but it pays well too. Depending on various criteria, you may be paid in several ways, including salary, commission, retainer, and other agreed upon arrangements.

As with any job, it is wise to do some research ahead of time in order to find the best fit for you.

As you clarify your needs, interests, and desires for your new remote career, you will narrow down your top choices before entering this new and exciting phase of your life.

Blockchain Developer

A career as a blockchain developer is an excellent high-paying remote opportunity. Blockchain developers design and implement digital solutions using blockchain technology. They are in high demand across various sectors such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management.

Proficiency in programming languages like Solidity, understanding of blockchain protocols, and experience with decentralized applications (DApps) are key. Remote positions are abundant, offering competitive salaries and the flexibility to work from anywhere. Online courses and certifications can help you transition into this field with ease.