How to Become a Solidity Developer

Solidity is a high-level programming language with which smart contracts are created based on the Ethereum blockchain. The demand for specialists versed in Solidity is steadily growing as blockchain technology is becoming in demand in more and more different areas of life. The career of a Solidity developer requires dedication and many skills, but it offers numerous benefits as well.

In this article, I will introduce you to the basics of Solidity development and tell you how to take your first steps in this area.

What Is a Solidity Developer?

A Solidity developer is a software engineer whose specialty is the development of smart contracts using the Solidity programming language. Usually, Solidity developers work with the Ethereum blockchain when creating and maintaining dApps (decentralized apps) on the ETH network. These specialists typically work in conjunction with other developers, designers, and product managers to ensure maximum attention to detail. If you meet the basic requirements for the profession that I describe below, you will become an indispensable expert in the market.

Solidity Developer’s Main Responsibilities

Of course, each employer will put forward their requirements for your work, focusing on the goals and characteristics of their business. However, there are several mandatory responsibilities that you must fulfill no matter what company you work for because they form the basis of the Solidity developer’s activities:

  • Coding and managing decentralized apps and smart contracts in the Solidity language;
  • Developing network architecture;
  • Developing and managing security standards;
  • Blockchain technical assessment;
  • Solidity code integrating on various blockchain platforms.

Why to Become a Solidity Developer?

In fact, in the world of constantly evolving blockchain technologies, there are many reasons to master the specialty of Solidity development. Below, I have highlighted the main ones:

  • High market demand. More and more businesses from different fields are turning to blockchain technology to improve the quality of their services and products. It is not surprising that the demand for qualified specialists in this technology field continues to grow.
  • Development perspective. Solidity development is an area that has not yet even reached its peak of exploring and enhancing. It is open to new optimizing solutions and innovations. Thus, it is enthusiastic for experimentation and provides the opportunity to reach your full potential.
  • Flexibility. Like all professions in the world of new technologies, this specialty involves the bulk of work online. This means you can work in the office and remotely from anywhere.

How Much Does a Solidity Developer Earn?

Specialization in Solidity development promises a quite lucrative career. The minimum hourly rate of a corporate developer is $40, and the highest hourly rates reach $130+. The average annual salary is $130k. Freelance Solidity experts earn an average of $60-120 per hour. 

Requirements for a Solidity Developer

Now, when we’ve figured out what a Solidity developer is and what prospects this specialty offers, it’s time to find out what knowledge and skills are required. Consider that every company might have some individual requirements for a developer. Still, I have prepared a list of the basic ones:

  • The solidity of syntax and instruments. Knowledge of Solidity syntax and study of data types and functions is mandatory. You also need to learn how to work with Solidity instruments such as Remix IDE, Ganache, and Truffle.
  • Programming skills. Of course, the basis for development is knowledge of programming concepts at a good level. You also need to gain experience with programming languages. Familiarity with JavaScript and C++ will be especially helpful, as Solidity’s syntax is similar to those languages.
  • Blockchain technology fundamentals. You need to learn the basic principles and functions of blockchain. Understanding the technologies of distributed ledger, smart contracts, and cryptocurrency is important.
  • Ethereum fundamentals. I have already mentioned that Solidity is used on the Ethereum network, so studying Ethereum well is as vital as understanding how the blockchain and the crypto of the same name work.
  • Focus on details. Smart contracts are a very complex technology that cannot be changed after creation and launch. Hence, during development, you need to double-check everything several times to get a reliable result very carefully.
  • Constant learning. As I already mentioned, blockchain technology is still in the development stage, so you need to monitor all innovations and constantly improve your skills.

Steps on the Way to Becoming a Solidity Developer

Below, I have prepared a detailed step-by-step guide that will give you the answer to the main question – how to become a Solidity developer. Hope it will help make your path to the profession more structured and simpler.

Learn the Fundamentals

Choose the most suitable way for you to learn and understand the fundamental concepts of blockchain, Solidity syntax, and Ethereum. The necessary knowledge can be obtained by reading articles and books, watching educational videos, and attending online or offline courses.

Get Practical Experience

After learning the basics, you need to move on to practice. Take your first steps by starting with developing small Solidity projects. For example, create a simple token, a decentralized application (dApp), or implement a voting system. Mistakes will be inevitable, but by learning from them, you will increase your level with each task.

The next step I would recommend is getting involved in open-source Solidity projects. They are available on platforms like GitHub. There you can get acquainted with the work of professional Solidity developers. Another way to increase your practical experience is to participate in hackathons and programming competitions. This option allows you to communicate with other developers and even find an employer.

Expand Your Knowledge

To be a competitive Solidity developer, you need to constantly boost your skills. Follow innovations on the market, experiment with new solutions, and keep studying. After you have mastered the Solidity base, start learning advanced functions (inheritance, libraries, events, and structures). This will open up the possibility of coding more complex smart contracts.

Find the Community

There are many benefits to joining a Solidity development community. You will be able to communicate with other specialists, share experiences, agree on joint projects, learn about innovations, etc. The easiest way to find a community is to look for thematic forums or groups on social networks. You can also get acquainted with the world of Solidity offline by attending Solidity meetings and blockchain conferences. In order to attract like-minded people, you may start publishing relevant materials yourself on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Create a Portfolio

Even if you are looking for your very first job in this field, it is better to have a portfolio that shows your practical experience. The most popular way to create a portfolio is to register a website or GitHub repository and demonstrate your Solidity projects there. This may range from work projects to contributions to open projects or any other Solidity-related work you have performed. I would also recommend adding code examples, descriptions, and links to current projects.

Do not oversaturate your portfolio; it should present only the best of your projects. Add charts, tables, and screenshots to make your portfolio easier to understand. When describing a successful project, focus on the difficulties and how you overcame them. 

Apply for a Job

Now you are ready for the last stage – job search. In addition to your portfolio, update your LinkedIn CV to include new skills and experience working with Solidity, if you have any. If possible, add key phrases from the job advertisement to your resume before sending it to the employer.

You can search for vacancies on many platforms. However, personally, I recommend Web3 job boards, such as CryptoJobs, Gitcoin, and Ethlance as they always have many options specifically for Solidity specialists published by companies that work with blockchain. Be prepared for interviews and practical tests.


Solidity developer is, without a doubt, a promising type of activity in the field of blockchain technology. Choosing this specialty not only provides a plethora of vacancies and a good salary but also ensures the opportunity to improve your programming skills. To join the community as a sought-after specialist, you need to learn a lot and gain practical experience, but all your efforts will pay off, and you will become part of one of the most promising industries if you succeed.