How to Become a Web3 Technical Sourcer

As blockchain technology and decentralized systems like Web3 change the tech landscape, the demand for technical talent in this space continues to grow. One crucial role in this employment area is the Web3 Technical Sourcer. This guide will help you realize how to embark on a career as a Web3 Technical Sourcer, the skills required, and the steps you need to take to succeed in this evolving field.

Understanding the Role of a Web3 Technical Sourcer

A Web3 Technical Sourcer’s primary role is to find and attract highly skilled technical professionals, specifically for the blockchain and decentralized tech ecosystem. This requires a complete understanding of both Web3 concepts and the unique skills that candidates need to possess​.

Unlike recruiters who handle the entire hiring process, sources focus specifically on identifying and engaging top talent. You’ll often collaborate with hiring managers and technical recruiters, providing a crucial bridge between technical talent and the companies that need them​.

Key Responsibilities:

Sourcing technical candidates through various platforms (LinkedIn, GitHub, crypto forums).
Building and maintaining a pipeline of candidates for future roles.
Screening applicants to determine their fit for technical positions.
Staying up-to-date with Web3 trends and sourcing tools​.

Educational Pathways and Certifications

There is no strict educational requirement to become a Web3 Technical Sourcer. Nonetheless, a bachelor’s degree in a related field like management, business, psychology, or IT can provide a solid foundation. Since this role focuses on technical positions in blockchain and Web3, having computer science or information technology knowledge is an added advantage.

Certifications in talent acquisition or recruiting can further enhance your qualifications and credibility. Some commonly recommended certifications include CIR (Certified Internet Recruiter) and PRC (Professional Recruiter Certification).

Additionally, learning advanced sourcing techniques such as Boolean search logic, data mining, and leveraging Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) will help you navigate the more technical aspects of sourcing​.

Key Skills Required

A successful Web3 Technical Sourcer must balance technical and interpersonal skills. Below, you can familiarize yourself with the skills you need to thrive.

Technical Skills

  • Boolean Search and Sourcing Platforms. It’s essential to be proficient with tools like LinkedIn Recruiter, GitHub, and sourcing platforms like Fetcher and Zoho​. You’ll need to create effective search strings that help you find the right talent quickly.
  • Web3 Knowledge. Since you’ll be sourcing for blockchain and decentralized roles, understanding key Web3 concepts like smart contracts, dApps, and decentralized finance (DeFi) is crucial​.
  • Data Analytics. In today’s tech-driven recruitment landscape, it is increasingly important to use data to refine sourcing strategies, analyze talent pipelines, and measure the success of sourcing efforts​.

Interpersonal Skills

  • Communication. Clear communication is vital when engaging passive candidates or coordinating with hiring managers​.
  • Relationship Building. A core component of talent sourcing is creating long-term connections with candidates, even those not actively looking for roles​.
  • Resilience and Adaptability. The tech market can be volatile. A good sourcer stays motivated and adapts to changing hiring demands​.

Gaining Experience in Technical Sourcing

Experience is one of the most valuable assets in becoming a Web3 Technical Sourcer. You don’t have to start directly in a sourcing role – numerous people begin with internships or entry-level positions in HR or recruiting​. If you are currently in a non-technical or adjacent role, you can volunteer for sourcing tasks to gain practical experience. This is especially relevant for specialists already working in tech-adjacent roles such as community management or customer service.

Participating in industry-specific hackathons or recruitment challenges can also provide hands-on experience​. What’s more, familiarizing yourself with tools like BreezyHR, Greenhouse, and Workday will improve your ability to manage candidate databases and track your sourcing metrics​.

Building a Professional Network

In the Web3 space, networking can often be the key to landing your first job. You can attend conferences, career fairs, and webinars dedicated to blockchain or Web3 recruitment to meet potential employers and other professionals in the field​.

Be active in online communities such as LinkedIn groups, GitHub repositories, or specialized crypto forums. Establish relationships with senior Web3 professionals and recruiters who can guide you and potentially help you find opportunities in the field​.

Creating a Standout Portfolio

A strong portfolio is a powerful tool when applying for technical sourcing roles. It should highlight:

Your sourcing achievements. Show examples of successful candidate placements or innovative sourcing strategies you’ve developed.
Certifications and technical knowledge. Mention any relevant courses or certifications, especially those related to blockchain and decentralized tech.
Tools you’ve mastered. Highlight your proficiency in crucial tools and platforms like LinkedIn Recruiter, ATS software, and Web3-focused sourcing platforms​.

A modern and organized portfolio can help you stand out from the competition and land interviews faster.

Staying Updated with Industry Trends

The blockchain and Web3 space is rapidly evolving, so staying updated on the latest industry trends is crucial. To keep your knowledge current, subscribe to newsletters, follow thought leaders in blockchain, and participate in webinars​. Recruitment tools are constantly updated, so staying informed about the latest sourcing technologies will help you leave competitors behind.

Continuous learning will be essential throughout your career, whether through formal education, workshops, or self-directed study. The more you stay informed, the better equipped you’ll be to find the right talent for Web3 projects​.


A Web3 Technical Sourcer job requires technical knowledge, recruitment skills, and adaptability. You can thrive in this dynamic field by gaining experience, building a solid network, and continuously updating your knowledge of Web3 trends and tools. Suppose you are passionate about both talent acquisition and the technology behind blockchain. In that case, this role offers a rewarding career path in one of the most innovative sectors of the tech world.