How to Get a Web3 Career in 2024

Web3 is really shaking things up in the digital world, opening up exciting opportunities for anyone into decentralized tech like blockchain, DeFi (decentralized finance), and NFTs. In 2024, the demand for Web3 experts is going to skyrocket, so if you’re between 20 and 35 and keen on building a career in Web3, this guide has got all the info you need to land a job in this fast-moving industry.

Why Web3 is a Game-Changer in 2024

Web3 represents the decentralized version of the internet, where users have more control over their data, identity, and assets. It’s based on blockchain technology and promises to reshape the finance, gaming, and art industries. With the Web3 job market growing by over 390%, there’s no better time to get involved. The expansion of decentralized finance drives the industry’s growth, the rise of NFTs, and the increasing use of blockchain for enterprise solutions​.

The Web3 space is diverse, offering career paths that appeal to tech-savvy individuals and those with strong communication and organizational skills. Its decentralized nature also allows for more creative freedom and innovation, making it an attractive option for those who want to be part of something transformative​​.

Key Web3 Jobs for 2024

Web3 offers various roles for different skill sets, whether you’re a developer, a marketer, or someone who excels in community engagement. Here are some of the key positions:

Tech Roles

Blockchain Developer

Blockchain developers are responsible for creating decentralized applications (dApps) and implementing smart contracts. They work with blockchain platforms like Ethereum or Solana, frequently using programming languages like Solidity and Rust​. In this role, you’ll build decentralized systems that form the backbone of Web3 applications.

Smart Contract Developer

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms directly written into code. If you’re skilled in languages like Solidity, you can write, test, and audit smart contracts, essential for financial transactions and other automated processes on the blockchain​. Smart contract developers are required for ensuring that decentralized applications run securely and efficiently.

Blockchain Security Specialist

Security is a significant concern in the decentralized world, so blockchain security experts are in high demand. These professionals work to identify vulnerabilities in blockchain systems and ensure that transactions and data are secure from hacks​. If you choose this role, you’ll focus on privacy-preserving technologies and advanced cryptographic techniques to protect decentralized applications.

Non-Tech Roles

Community Manager

Web3 projects rely heavily on their communities for growth and sustainability. Community managers foster relationships with users, manage social media, and facilitate communication between the project and its supporters​. This career path could be rewarding if you’re good at building online communities and managing interactions.

Marketing Specialist

Marketing in Web3 requires an in-depth understanding of decentralized technologies and user behavior. You’ll work to raise awareness about Web3 projects, attract users, and create campaigns that resonate with a decentralized audience​. Whether through social media, content creation, or partnerships, marketing professionals are critical in driving adoption.

Project Manager

As a project manager in Web3, you’ll oversee the development and deployment of decentralized applications, ensuring teams stay on track and deadlines are met​. This role requires strong organizational skills and the ability to manage multiple stakeholders, including developers, clients, and investors.

Where to Find Web3 Jobs

The decentralized nature of Web3 means that finding jobs is not as simple as browsing traditional job boards. Here are some key places to look:

Web3 Job Boards

Where to Find Web3 Jobs - Web3 Job Boards

Dedicated platforms like and Cointelegraph Jobs are tailored explicitly to Web3 jobseekers. These websites list numerous jobs, from developer positions to marketing roles, making them ideal for exploring what’s available​.

Networking and Communities

Where to Find Web3 Jobs - Networking and Communities

Much of the Web3 job market operates through online communities. Discord, Telegram, and Twitter are popular platforms where project leaders and founders frequently share job openings. By actively participating in these communities, you can learn about opportunities before they are posted on official job boards​.

Hackathons and Web3 Conferences

Where to find Web3 Jobs - Hackathons and conferences

Web3 hackathons are perfect for showcasing your skills and networking with key industry players. These events allow you to collaborate on decentralized projects, meet potential employers, and gain experience building real-world applications​. Attending conferences such as ETHGlobal or Devcon can also provide valuable networking opportunities.

Building the Skills You Need for a Web3 Career

Whether you’re aiming for a technical role or a non-technical position, building the right skills is essential for breaking into Web3.

Technical Skills

Learning appropriate programming languages is crucial to becoming a blockchain developer or smart contract auditor. Solidity is essential for working on the Ethereum blockchain, while Rust is commonly used for newer platforms like Polkadot​. 

On top of that, you may use free resources to learn these languages, such as CryptoZombies or freeCodeCamp​. Additionally, contributing to open-source Web3 projects is one of the best ways to build a portfolio and gain hands-on experience​. Platforms like GitHub offer countless opportunities to collaborate on decentralized applications and boost your coding skills.

Non-Technical Skills

For non-tech roles, having a profound understanding of blockchain technology and decentralized concepts is essential. You don’t need to be a developer, but you should be familiar with terms like DeFi, NFTs, and DAOs. Courses on Coursera or Udemy can help you get up to speed on these concepts.

Being active on X (formerly known as Twitter), Discord, or LinkedIn is crucial to staying updated on industry trends and finding job opportunities​.

Steps to Land Your First Web3 Job

Landing a Web3 job in 2024 takes more than just sending out resumes. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process:

Assess Your Current Skills

Start by evaluating what skills you already have that can transfer to Web3. For example, if you’re a software developer, you may want to learn Solidity to build dApps. If you’re in marketing, familiarize yourself with how Web3 projects engage communities and promote their platforms​.

Build a Portfolio

A strong portfolio is crucial if you’re applying for technical roles. Showcase any decentralized applications you’ve built or contributions to open-source projects​. For non-tech roles, consider creating content around Web3 topics on platforms like Medium or LinkedIn to demonstrate your understanding of the space.

Network Strategically

Being active on X, Discord, and LinkedIn is essential in Web3. Many jobs are shared directly within these communities before they reach job boards. Follow thought leaders, engage in discussions, and attend virtual meetups to build your network​.

Tailor Your Resume and Applications

When applying for Web3 jobs, highlight relevant skills and experiences. Customize your resume for each job, focusing on how your background aligns with the specific role​. For example, if you’re applying for a marketing role, emphasize your experience with community engagement and digital campaigns.


The Web3 space is booming in 2024, with countless opportunities for people across different skill sets. Whether you’re looking to develop decentralized apps, manage blockchain projects, or build engaged communities, there’s a place for you in this innovative industry. By fostering the right skills, networking in the appropriate places, and approaching your job search strategically, you can position yourself for success in the decentralized web.

If you’re ready to leap, now is the perfect time to start your Web3 career. Dive in, start learning, and become part of the movement shaping the internet’s future.